At this early stage there have been a small number of presentations on egalitarian capitalism: one such event was arranged by Z/Yen in August 2021, 'A World of Individual Opportunity: The Vision of Egalitarian Capitalism'. 

Share Alliance will arrange a series of conferences at Cambridge and elsewhere based on the SHARE research project.

The 1st SHARE Conference

took place as a half-day event on Friday 14th April '23 at King's College with a programme as follows (links to YouTube-hosted videos of each session are included in the titles):

9.30 am Welcome & Overview, Underlying Principles & Planning

An introduction to the key building blocks for participation for all, including disintermediation and individual ownership & responsibility, and to our approach for providing academic rigour for a new egalitarian approach to capitalism.

10.05 am Inter-generational Rebalancing

Showing how the natural human cycle can enable individual empowerment of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and setting out the role of starter capital accounts and incentivised learning as a basis for enhancing ability to achieve their potential in adult life.

11.05 am Stock for Data

The technological revolution provides an opportunity for a huge expansion of individual equity ownership by issuing stock in recognition of data storage and harvesting. This would enable a large proportion of people across the world to share in wealth creation, as automation gradually replaces the demand for manual input.

11.45 am Building Momentum

Charting the way forward through research, training, advocacy and implementation both within the UK and overseas.

12.20 pm Panel discussion

A general discussion of the above and other ideas.