Share Alliance is our initial corporate identity, as use of the description 'Institute' is reserved for established operations.  Our initial directors/trustees are Gavin Oldham, Eve Poole and Giles Pemberton

Our formation is the culmination of fifty years exploration seeking a pathway towards a more egalitarian form of capitalism. Throughout this period, founder and chair Gavin Oldham has explored different perspectives for how to bring individual empowerment, and the opportunity to achieve individual human potential, to people in all walks of life.

These have included two registered UK charities (Nansen International Children's Centre (UK) [1974-1980] and The Share Foundation [2005-present]), the provision of personal investment services (The Share Centre [1990-2020]), a radio station (now wholly online - Share Radio [2014-present]) and in the Church of England (as a lay member of the General Synod [1995-2021] and a Church Commissioner).

All these experiences have led to Gavin enabling the SHARE programme of research at Cambridge University (Economics department and Kings College), which will provide both academic rigour and a structure for implementation on which our work will focus.